Forecast of retail vacancy rates in the United States 2018-2019

Forecast of retail vacancy rates in the United States from 1st quarter 2018 to 3rd quarter 2019

The data describes a forecast of retail vacancy rates in the U.S. from the first quarter of 2018 to the third quarter of 2019. It was expected that the retail vacancy rate would amount to 11.7% in the third quarter of 2019 in the U.S.

Vacancy rates – additional information Retail real estate is a wide definition within the commercial real estate, which includes such types of property as retail park centers, shopping malls or various convenience stores on the streets of a given location. The vacancy rate depicts the share of unoccupied retail properties available on the market due to the relocation of businesses or new completions.

Q1 2018 12.2
Q2 2018 12.1
Q3 2018 12
Q4 2018 11.9
Q1 2019 12
Q2 2019 11.7
Q3 2019 11.7