Internet » Advertising & Marketing » Personalized marketing | U.S. top companies seen as best at online personalization 2016

Companies U.S. consumers view as best at personalizing online experiences 2016

Digital companies perceived as successful at personalizing online experiences according to consumers in the United States as of October 2016

The data displays the leading digital companies considered as successful at personalizing online experiences according to consumers in the U.S. as of October 2016. The findings reveal that 55% of responding U.S. consumers felt that Amazon was the best at delivering personalized experiences online, whereas 38% of respondents saw Facebook as being the best at online personalization.

Amazon 55
Google 39
Facebook 38
Netflix 33
Pinterest 16
iTunes 15
Pandora 14
Microsoft 10
Yahoo! 8
Spotify 6
LinkedIn 5
Hulu 5
Twitter 4
Other 4