Internet » Advertising & Marketing » Personalized marketing | U.S. most effective personalization tactics 2017

Most effective personalization strategies in the United States 2017

Most effective personalization tactics according to marketing executives in the United States as of April 2017

The data displays the most effective personalization tactics according to marketing executives in the United States as of April 2017. The findings show that dynamic content in e-mail marketing was rated as the most effective personalization tactic by marketing executives in the United States in 2017, with 65% of respondents having cited this strategy as most influential.

Dynamic content in e-mail marketing 65
Website content based on real-time data, i.e. location 62
Personalized e-mail content based on real-time data, i.e. location 60
Personalized e-mail content based on software/machine learning 58
Website content based on software/machine learning 57