Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Beef Market | U.S. retail price of ground beef, 2017

U.S. retail price of ground beef 1995-2017

Retail price of ground beef (100% beef) in the United States from 1995 to 2017 (in U.S. dollars per pound)

The data illustrates the retail price of ground beef (100% beef) in the U.S. from 1995 to 2017. In that year, the U.S. price for one pound of ground beef amounted to 3.71 USD compared to 3.56 USD the year before.

1995 1.4
1996 1.42
1997 1.39
1998 1.39
1999 1.53
2000 1.63
2001 1.71
2002 1.69
2003 2.23
2004 2.14
2005 2.3
2006 2.26
2007 2.23
2008 2.41
2009 2.19
2010 2.38
2011 2.92
2012 3.08
2013 3.46
2014 4.16
2015 4.06
2016 3.56
2017 3.71