Consumer Goods » Furniture » Mattress Retail in the U.S. | Most important criteria considered by U.S. adults when buying a new mattress by gender 2017

Features and factors U.S. adults consider when buying a new mattress 2017, by gender

What criteria matters to you when purchasing a new mattress?

The data displays the criteria U.S. adults factor into their decision when purchasing a new mattress as of January 2017, by gender. According to the survey, 92% of U.S. women felt comfort mattered in comparison to 82% of men.

Comfort 87 92 82
Build quality 51 49 54
Low price 42 45 39
Special offers/deals 36 43 29
Non-toxic materials 36 40 31
Warranty 33 39 27
Allergen-free 28 32 24
Seals of quality / certification marks 22 23 22
Recommendations of friends 19 21 17
Environmental friendliness 14 15 13
Recommendations of retailers 7 7 6
None of the above 3 1 6
Other 1 1 1