Energy » Fossil Fuels » BHP Billiton | BHP Billiton employee number by region 2012-2017

BHP Billiton's number of employees by region 2012-2017

Number of employees at BHP Billiton from 2012 to 2017, by region

The data displays the number of employees at BHP Billiton from 2009 to 2017, by region. BHP Billiton is a British-Australian global mining company, headquartered in London and Melbourne. The company is one of the top global players in the mining and metals sector. In 2017, BHP Billiton employed 6,361 people in South America. The greatest share of BHP Billiton employees resided in Australia as of mid-2017. The second-greatest share resided in South America.

Regional distribution of BHP Billiton employees BHP Billiton is a British-Australian global mining company, headquartered in London, England and Melbourne, Australia.

Total 43238 47044 26827 26146
Australia 19305 23048 15834 15906
South America 8812 9337 6509 6361
Africa 9358 9035
North America 4117 4373 3601 2786
Asia 1114 1105 822 1019
Europe 532 146 61 74