U.S. Fishery Industry

U.S. Fishery Industry statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "U.S. Fishery Industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the U.S. Fishery Industry industries. Find the most relevant U.S. Fishery Industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Leading exporters fish and fishery products worldwide, 2017
Value of total U.S. exports of all fishery products 2017
World fish production 2017
U.S. exports of edible fishery products 2017
U.S. seafood industry's value added activity, 2016
Fishery landings in the U.S. by major domestic species, 2016
U.S. domestic fishery landings for fresh and frozen fish by purpose, 2016
U.S. fish landings revenue of the seafood industry by state 2015
Aquaculture production in the U.S. 2015
U.S. seafood industry landings by region, 2015
Commercial landings of the U.S. seafood industry, 2016
U.S. commercial landings' value of fish and shellfish by purpose, 2016
Value of U.S. exports of nonedible fishery products 2017
U.S. seafood industry sales by state 2015
Top species in aquaculture production worldwide 2015
U.S. number of seafood industry jobs 2015
Global fish production by fishing and aquaculture 2017
Major importers of fish and fishery products worldwide, 2017
U.S. income of the seafood industry 2015
U.S. seafood landings revenue by region, 2015
U.S. imports of edible fishery products 2017
Value of total U.S. imports of all fishery products 2017
Americas aquaculture production by main species group 2015
Global fish production by purpose 2016
U.S. seafood industry landings by state, 2016
U.S. sales of the seafood industry 2015
U.S. commercial landings of fish and shellfish by purpose 2016
Value of U.S. imports of edible fishery products 2017
Value of U.S. imports of nonedible fishery products 2017
Aquaculture production value of the U.S. 2015
U.S. domestic fishery landings for canned fish by purpose, 2016
Value of U.S. exports of edible fishery products 2017
Fishery landings' value by major domestic species in the U.S., 2016
US seafood industry's landings revenue, 2015