Canadian oil and gas industry

Canadian oil and gas industry statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Canadian oil and gas industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Canadian oil and gas industry industries. Find the most relevant Canadian oil and gas industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Crude oil exports Canada by receiving region 2017
Crude oil production Canada 1951-2017
Oil import and refinery receipts by country Canada 2016
Oil production in Canada in barrels per day 2017
Natural gas production worldwide by country in mtoe 2017
Forecast oil sands total production 2015-2035
Natural gas reserves Canada 1955-2016
Canada's daily natural gas exports 2010-2017
Oil sands industry GDP contribution Canada by region 2015-2035
Oil sands production Canada total 1967-2016
Gas production marketed daily average Canada 1947-2017
Canadian oil sands total sales value 1986-2016
Petroleum industry capital expenditure Canada by region 2016
Crude oil production Canada by region 2017
Crude oil remaining reserves by region Canada 2017
Western and Eastern Canadian crude oil production forecast 2015-2035
Drilling rig utilization rate Canada 1977-2017
Imperial Oil revenue 2007-2017
Canada's natural gas imports daily 2010-2017
Crude oil remaining reserves by type and region Canada 2017
Natural gas production - Canada 2017
Crude oil imports to Canada by region of origin 2017
Oil wells completed Canada number 1955-2017
Market cap of leading oil companies in Canada 2015
Leading Canadian oil and gas firms net income 2015
Crude oil reserves Canada 1951-2016
Active drilling rigs Canada total number 1977-2017
Canada's natural gas exports 2017
Production of crude oil in Canada 1990-2017
Natural gas reserves Canada by region 2016
Royalties of the oil sands industry Canada 1970-2016
Enbridge revenue 2010-2017
Canada's natural gas imports 2010-2017
Natural gas production in Canadian regions 2017
Monthly Western Canadian Select oil price 2017-2018
Canadian oil sands daily production forecast by scenario 2038
Gas wells completed Canada number 1955-2017
Natural gas sales value Canada 2016
Canadian wells number distribution by province 2017
Marketable natural gas reserves year-end Canada 1986-2017
Leading Canadian oil and gas firms revenue 2015
Natural gas liquids reserves Canada 1955-2016
Crude oil production per day Canada by type 2012-2016
Total crude oil exports Canada 2017