Wine market in Italy

Interesting statistics from the category "Wine market in Italy"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Wine market in Italy industries. Find the most relevant Wine market in Italy statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Production volume of wine by region in Italy in 2016
Destinations of Italian wine exports 2016
Forecast: manufacture of wine from grape revenue in Italy 2010-2022
Sales value of wine in discounters by type of wine in Italy in 2016
Total number of wine cooperatives in Italy in 2015-2016
Males consuming alcoholic beverages by type in Italy in 2017
Wine and sparkling wine consumption in Italy in 2014-2016
Average price of PDO wines in large-scale distribution in Italy in 2012-2016
Sales value of wine in hypermarkets by type of wine in Italy in 2016
Italian online retailers of wine in Italy 2014-2016
Females consuming alcoholic beverages by type in 2017
Export value of Italian PDO and PGI wines by type from Italy in H1 2017
Average price of PGI wines in large-scale distribution in Italy in 2012-2016
Italy: wine production 2010-2016
Revenues of Italian wine cooperatives by export partner in 2016
Export of Italian red wines from Italy by denomination in H1 2012-H1 2017
Export of Italian white wines from Italy by denomination in H1 2012-H1 2017
Organic viticulture by region in Italy in 2016
Export value of bottled wine from Italy in H1 2012-H1 2017
Wine: consumption volume World 2014-2018
Average price of packaged still and sparkling wines in Italy in 2011-2016
Daily wine consumption in Italy in 2010-2017
DOP & IGP wine production volume by region in Italy in 2016
Export value of Italian wines from Italy by quality in H1 2017
Average price of still and sparkling wines by packaging in Italy in 2016
Manufacture of wine from grape: enterprises 2008-2015
Export volume PGI sparkling wines in Italy 2010-2016
Wine consumption by macro-region in Italy in 2017
Export value of wine from Italy in H1 2012-H1 2017
Consumption rate of alcoholic beverages by frequency in 2010-2017
Average price of PGI wines in large-scale distribution by type in 2016
Total turnover of wine cooperatives in Italy in 2015-2016
Products sold in top 25 Italian wine cooperatives by type in 2016
Top 10 Italian wineries by turnover in Italy in 2016
Wine consumption by wine type in Italy in 2014-2016
Leading 10 exporters of sparkling wine in 2016
Average price of sparkling wines in large-scale distribution by type 2016
Distribution of wine cooperatives by geographical area in 2016
Specialized vineyards in Italy in 2016
Export value of Italian PDO sparkling wine by destination country in 2017
Sparkling wine consumption volumes in Italy in 2006-2016
Organic viticulture in Italy in 2010-2016
Export value PGI sparkling wines in Italy 2010-2016
Sale value of champagne via type large-scale retail 2016
Average price of sparkling wines in large-scale distribution 2012-2016
Percentage change sales value of wine in discounters in Italy in 2016
Daily wine consumption by gender in Italy in 2010-2017
Top countries importing still wines from Italy in 2017
Export value of wine from Italy by region in 2016
Leading 10 importers of sparkling wine in 2016
Revenue distribution of wine cooperatives by geographical area 2016
Average price of PDO wines in large-scale distribution by type in 2016
Percentage change Sales value of wines in hypermarkets in 2016
Volume of sparkling wine bottled by quality in Italy 2016