Centrica and British Gas

Centrica and British Gas statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Centrica and British Gas"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Centrica and British Gas industries. Find the most relevant Centrica and British Gas statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

UK: Centrica domestic supply profits 2009-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic supply profits 2009-2017
UK: Centrica domestic electric supply EBIT and EBITDA 2010-2017
UK: Centrica domestic gas supply revenue 2010-2017
Centrica - Group revenue 2007-2017
UK: Centrica domestic WACOE 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic gas supply revenue 2010-2017
Centrica - employees by segment 2017
UK: Centrica WACOG of the domestic gas supply 2010-2017
UK: Centrica domestic electricity supply PAT 2013-2017
UK: Centrica electricity generation direct fuel costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica and British Gas: energy supply employees 2010-2017
UK: Centrica electricity generation revenue 2010-2017
UK: Centrica aggregated supply operating costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic gas supply direct costs 2010-2017
UK: WACOE of the non-domestic electricity supply of Centrica 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic gas supply EBIT and EBITDA 2010-2017
Centrica fuel mix of energy sold 2016
UK: Centrica WACOF/E/G of electricity generation 2013-2017, by subsector
UK: Centrica Energy power generated 2012-2017
Centrica Energy: capital expenditure (CAPEX) 2015
British Gas: residential energy supply profit 2015
UK: Centrica non-domestic electricity supply PAT 2013-2017
UK: Centrica domestic electricity supply revenue 2010-2017
UK: Non-domestic electricity supply Centrica fuel costs 2010-2017
UK: WACOG of the non-domestic gas supply of Centrica 2010-2017
UK: British Gas: capital expenditure (CAPEX) 2012-2015
UK: Centrica Electricity generation EBIT and EBITDA 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic electricity supply EBIT and EBITDA 2010-2017
UK: Centrica electricity generation operating costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic electricity supply direct costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica domestic electricity supply direct fuel costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica EBIT from electricity generation 2013-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic electricity supply revenue 2010-2017
UK: Centrica domestic gas supply fuel costs 2010-2017
UK: Centrica domestic gas supply EBIT and EBITDA 2010-2017
UK: Centrica non-domestic gas supply fuel costs 2010-2017
British Gas: business energy profit 2014