Barclays Bank

Interesting statistics from the category "Barclays Bank"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Barclays Bank industries. Find the most relevant Barclays Bank statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Complaints closed against Barclays Bank in the UK 2014
Female employees in Barclays bank 2017
Barclays: total shareholder dividend value 2010-2017
Barclays Group turnover by country 2017
Leading UK banks - remediation costs 2011-2014
Number of branches of UK leading banks 2017
Leading financial advisors to European M&A deals 2017
Leading banks by savings account holders satisfaction 2014
Complaints against Barclays Bank in the UK 2017
Leading banks by credit card holder satisfaction 2014
Brand evaluation - Barclays in the UK 2015
Employees at Barclays Group by division 2014-2017
Barclays banking channels in the UK 2015
Most valuable bank brands in the UK 2016-2018
Barclays Group employment numbers by country 2017
Barclays assets in corporate & personal division 2012-2015
Customers using Barclays products in the UK 2015
Barclays group adjusted profit before tax 2013-2017
Barclays investment banking income 2014-2017
Barclays corporate and personal banking net income 2012-2015
Leading British banks by market share of total assets 2016
Barclays investment banking global profit before tax 2014-2017
Barclays consumer, cards and payments banking income 2014-2017
Staff and outsourcing costs in Barclays group 2013-2015
Customer use of current account with Barclays UK 2015
Number of complaints about UK banks 2017
Barclays group net interest income 2010-2017
Barclays Group: core tier one ratio 2011-2017
United Kingdom: leading banks by current account holder satisfaction 2017
Business students: most attractive employers in France 2017