Insurance market in Europe

Insurance market in Europe statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Insurance market in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Insurance market in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Insurance market in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Leading countries for total premiums written on the insurance market in Europe250.7250.7194.3194.3133.9133.9131.9131.966.166.157.857.855.955.936.136.132.632.629.629.6United KingdomGermanyFranceItalySpainNetherlandsSwitzerlandIrelandSwedenDenmark020406080100120140160180200220240260280
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Amounts ceded to leading non-life reinsurance companies in Europe6 7136 7134 5034 5036 4906 4902 5992 5993 3463 3467 9607 9605 1575 1575 5815 5813 4423 4423 2243 2247 9367 9366 6576 6574 5034 5033 4043 4042 9072 907Lloyd's of London (UK)Zuirch Insurance Group (Switzerland)Allianz (Germany)MAPFRE (Spain)AXA (France)02k4k6k8k10k
Germany: leading insurance companies, by revenue in gross written premiums 2016
Leading insurers in Europe by total assets 2016
European insurance: non-life claims 2010-2014
Insurance companies in Germany 2011-2016
Insurance companies in France 2011-2016
Country breakdown: total insurance premiums written Europe 2016
Health insurance gross claims paid in Europe 2010-2015
Insurance employees in Germany 2004-2016
Premiums written by category in Europe 2016
European insurance: property premiums 2010-2016
Life insurance benefits paid in Europe 2010-2016
Insurance investment portfolio in Europe 2010-2016
Health written premiums European insurance 2010-2016
Total life insurance premiums written Europe 2010-2016
Non-life written premiums European insurance 2010-2015
Non-life insurance companies investment portfolio in Europe 2016
Insurance investment portfolio by country in Europe 2016
Non-life insurance claims paid by country in Europe 2016
Non-life insurance investment portfolio in Europe 2010-2016
Insurance employees in France 2004-2016
Life insurance investment portfolio in Europe 2010-2016
Life insurance companies investment portfolio in Europe 2016
Insurance companies operating in European countries 2016
Reinsurance cessions (non-life) for leading companies 2014-2016
Health insurance claims in selected European countries 2015
Top 10 insurance companies by gross premium in Italy in 2016
Insurance claims and benefits paid in Europe 2010-2016
European insurance: motor written premiums 2010-2016
Insurance employee numbers in Europe 2004-2016
Life insurance benefits paid by country in Europe 2016