Real Estate in China

Interesting statistics from the category "Real Estate in China"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Real Estate in China industries. Find the most relevant Real Estate in China statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

China: possession of residential real estate by income 2013
China: per capita living space urban rural areas 2012
China: land purchased by real estate developers by region 2016
China: expanse of commercial real estate sold, by region 2016
China: average sale price of commercial real estate by region 2016
China: real estate developer investments, by building use 2016
China: sale price of residential real estate by region 2016
China: real estate developer expenditure on plot purchases 2016
China: average sale price of office real estate 2016
China: real estate developer investment into commercial real estate by region 2016
China: leading real estate companies by sales area 2017
China: planned housing purchase reasons 2013
China: average real estate sale price of residential real estate 2016
China: Evergrande Real Estate Group revenue 2017
China: sale price of real estate by region 2016
China: leading real estate companies market share 2017
China: number of real estate developers by region 2016
China: sale price of office real estate by region 2016
China: Vanke revenue 2017
China: average sale price of commercial real estate 2016
China: total investments in residential real estate 2016
China: area of commercial and residential real estate sold by region 2016
China: real estate developer investment into office buildings 2016
China: expanse of real estate sold, by use 2016
China: property purchase intentions by income group 2013
China: revenue from residential real estate sold 2016
China: number of apartments sold by region 2016
China: land area purchased by real estate developers 2016
China: expanse of office real estate sold, by region 2016
China: Country Garden revenue 2017