Nursing homes in the U.S.

Interesting statistics from the category "Nursing homes in the U.S."

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Nursing homes in the U.S. industries. Find the most relevant Nursing homes in the U.S. statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Health care expenditure distribution in Colorado by service 2014
U.S. nursing home expenditure 1960-2015
Nursing home beds occupancy rate by ownership U.S. 2015
Number of nursing home employees by occupation 2016
U.S. foodborne illness cases share caused by food prep in select locations 2015
Nursing home residents distribution U.S. by age 2011-2014
Nursing home residents percentage by ethnicity U.S. 2014
Staff hours worked per nursing home resident by occupation U.S. 2017
Total number of nursing homes U.S. by state 2014
Nursing home residents percentage U.S. by self reported pain 2011-2014
Nursing home residents with clinical measures by all facilities U.S. 2014
Nursing assistants in nursing homes by ethnicity U.S. 2015
Nursing home residents distribution U.S. by cognitive impairment 2011-2014
Number of nursing homes U.S. by bed size 2014
Nursing assistants in nursing homes by age U.S. 2015
Licensed nursing home beds number United States 1994-2015
Nursing care employee number U.S. 2000-2017
New nursing home jobs by occupation U.S. 2014-2024
Wages per hour in nursing homes by occupation U.S. 2016
Common locations of death in the U.S. 2016
Occupancy percentage of nursing homes by region U.S. 2015-2016
Flu vaccinations in nursing homes U.S. 2017
Nursing homes length of stay U.S. average by ownership 2015
Total number of nursing homes U.S. by ownership type 2014
Top states most expensive private rooms in nursing homes U.S. 2017
Average nursing home revenue top and bottom state U.S. 2015
Health care expenditure distribution in New York by service 2014
U.S. residents in nursing homes U.S. by age and gender 2014
Occupancy percentage of nursing homes U.S. 2015-2016
Average percentage of beds occupied in nursing homes U.S. 2010-2014
Total number of nursing homes U.S. by certification type 2014
Payor mix for nursing homes in the U.S. 2015-2016
Health care expenditure distribution in Texas by service 2014
Common nursing home resident conditions U.S. 2015
Nursing assistants in nursing homes by gender U.S. 2015