Healthcare system in Ireland

Interesting statistics from the category "Healthcare system in Ireland"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Healthcare system in Ireland industries. Find the most relevant Healthcare system in Ireland statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Ireland: current health care expenditure by scheme 2015
Long-term illness scheme in Ireland 2006-2015
Mammographs in Ireland 2005-2017 Statistic
Surgical inpatients in hospitals in Ireland 2006-2015
Computed tomography scanners in Ireland 2005-2016
Care personnel: employment in Ireland 2000-2017
Physiotherapists employment in Ireland 2000-2017
GP visit card scheme in Ireland 2006-2015
Syringes import Ireland 2016
Ireland: capital and current health care expenditure 2015
Hospital beds in Ireland 2000-2015
Emergency department attendances in Ireland 2006-2015
Healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP 1980-2016
Capital public health expenditure on disability services in Ireland 2015
Waiting time of individuals on trolleys in Ireland 2016
Hospital employment in Ireland 2000-2017
Magnetic resonance imaging scanners in Ireland 2006-2016
Public hospital waiting lists in Ireland 2016
Drugs payment scheme in Ireland 2006-2015
Ireland: health care expenditure by health care function
Public non-capital expenditure on health in Ireland 2007-2016
Hospital consultants in Ireland 2007-2016
Electro-cardiographs imports Ireland 2012-2016
Capital public health expenditure on mental health in Ireland 2015
Healthcare: current expenditure in Ireland 2013-2015
Capital public health expenditure by programme in Ireland 2015
Microscopes import Ireland 2016
Medical card scheme, by age in Ireland 2006-2015
Public capital expenditure on health in Ireland 2007-2016
PET scanners in Ireland 2007-2016
Health service executive non-capital allocation in Ireland 2015
Medical and dental employment in Ireland 2007-2016
Outpatient attendances in Ireland 2006-2015
Length of stay in hospitals in Ireland 2006-2015
Public health service staff in Ireland 2016
Medical card scheme in Ireland 2006-2015
Public health service employment in Ireland 2007-2016
Magnetic resonance imaging equipment import Ireland 2016
Bed days used in hospitals in Ireland 2006-2015
Nursing employment in Ireland 2007-2016
Patients waiting on hospital trolleys Ireland 2006-2016