Biotechnology industry

Interesting statistics from the category "Biotechnology industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Biotechnology industry industries. Find the most relevant Biotechnology industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Biogen top products based on revenue 2015-2017
Global biologics spending 2002-2017
Established biotech centers key figures 2012-2016
Top biotech drugs by revenue worldwide 2015
Top pharma and biotech launches 2018 by 2022 revenue forecast
U.S. biopharmaceutical export volume 2002-2017
Pharma biotech revenues 5 years after launch U.S. 2007-2017
Public biotech companies market cap U.S. regions 2014
U.S. biotech commercial leaders vs other companies 2016
U.S. biotechnology financing data 2012-2016
U.S. number biotech companies 2012-2016
Public biotech companies by U.S. region 2014
US biotech companies gross profit margin Q4 2017
Top biotech companies by revenue 2015
Biogen revenue and net income 2007-2017
Biotech M&As U.S. and European by potential value 2016
Top life science startups U.S. 2018
U.S. biotech industry R&D expenses by region 2012-2014
Medicines in development by therapeutic category U.S. 2018
Total capital raised biotech market U.S. and Europe 2000-2016
NASDAQ biotech index values 2016
Syngenta AG's sales by segment 2017
European biotech public companies key figures 2012-2016
Monsanto's seed and genomics segment net sales 2017
U.S. biotech industry revenues by region 2012-2014
Key figures on U.S. public biotech companies 2012-2016
Gilead Sciences top products by revenue 2013-2017
Pre-commercial biotech companies market capitalization U.S. 2017
U.S. genetically modified crops: percentage of total acreage 2018
Biotech alliances by up-front payments U.S. and Europe 2016
Gilead Sciences revenue and profit 2006-2017
CAGR biotech companies market cap U.S. 2012-2016
Global acreage of genetically modified crops 2017