Dental care in the United Kingdom

Interesting statistics from the category "Dental care in the United Kingdom"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Dental care in the United Kingdom industries. Find the most relevant Dental care in the United Kingdom statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Share of individuals who visit a dentist regularly in the UK by region6969696961616060ScotlandWalesEnglandNorthern Ireland020406080
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Share of age of children at first visit to the dentist in the UK 2016191937372222Before 12 months old1 to 2 years old3 to 4 years old010203040
Dental care: frequency of cleaning between teeth UK 2016
Imports of artificial teeth 2011-2017
OTC medicated mouthwash sales value 2009-2014
Benefits of cleaning between teeth UK 2016
Reasons why individuals do not floss their teeth UK 2016
Exports of instruments and appliances used in dentistry 2017
Dentists: items prescribed by therapeutic class 2014
Modeling pastes sales volume UK 2010-2016
Length of time individuals brush their teeth for UK 2016
Teeth flossing likelihood in Great Britain by age 2017
OTC medicated mouthwash sales growth 2010-2014
Dental treatments in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Dental services: consumer spending 2005-2017 UK Statistic
Effect of health conditions on managing oral health UK 2016
Dental attendance in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015
Dental service expenditure trend in the UK 2005-2017 Statistics
Number of dental practitioners in the UK 2010-2017
Medical and dental supplies: GVA 2008-2016
Medical and dental enterprises: turnover 2008-2016
Number of medical & dental technicians in the UK | 2010-2017
How often children visit the dentist for a check-up UK 2016
Medical & dental supplies: manufacturing sales 2008-2016
Frequency that individuals brush their teeth UK 2016
Dental practice activities: UK enterprises by turnover
Important factors when selecting a dentist UK 2016
Manufacture of medical and dental supplies 2008-2016
Oral care products value sales Great Britain 2017
Dental practitioners in Northern Ireland 2004-2017
Dental treatments in Northern Ireland 2017
Medical and dental supplies: enterprises 2008-2016
Oral hygiene preparations sales value UK 2010-2016
Exports of dental drill engines 2011-2017
Outcome of dental care inspections England 2017
Anxiety level when visiting the dentist, by age Scotland 2016
Dentistry preparations sales value UK 2010-2016
Dental services annual CPI trends 2003-2017
Age at first visit to the dentist in the UK 2016
Items prescribed by dentists England 2005-2014
Factors why individuals don't visit the dentist regularly UK 2016
Toothbrush used to brush teeth UK 2016
Oral care unit sales Great Britain 2017