Doctors and medical practitioners in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "Doctors and medical practitioners in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Doctors and medical practitioners in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Doctors and medical practitioners in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Number of doctors on the GP register in the UK56 66356 66357 99957 99958 25558 25559 73359 73361 15561 15562 44362 44363 76363 76365 13065 13066 35666 35667 80467 8042007200820092010201120122013201420152016020k40k60k80k
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Share of experiences when making a GP appointment in England858592927373Able to get an appointment last time triedFound appointment convenientHad a good experience of making an appointment020406080100
Clinical supervision of doctors United Kingdom 2016
Waiting time for doctor's appointment in the United Kingdom 2017
Waiting time for doctor's appointment by age in the United Kingdom 2017
Intentions to leave general practice by stress level 2015
Number of medical practitioners in the UK 2010-2017
UK based doctors: countries of qualification 2017
Registered doctors by gender and specialty 2017
Waiting time for doctor's appointment by income UK 2017
Out of hours medical care options in England 2016
European doctors following Brexit vote in the United Kingdom 2017
Doctor patient safety comments United Kingdom 2016
GP appointment: alternative options in England 2016
Doctors on the GP register UK 2007-2016
GP out of hours service use in Wales 2015
Potentially avoidable GP appointments 2016
General practitioners employment in the UK 2000-2017
Registered doctors by world region of qualification 2017
Waiting time for doctor's appointment by region 2017
UK based doctors: leading specialties 2017
NHS staff experience of mistreatment UK 2015
Registered doctors United Kingdom 2007-2016
Ease of getting a GP appointment 2017
Daytime workload of doctors United Kingdom 2016
Registered doctors by age 2017
UK public opinion: doctors strike 2016
Locum general medical practitioners England 2015
Satisfaction with GP opening hours in England 2011-2016
Physicians employment in the UK 2000-2017
Registered GP patients by age in England 2015
Making a GP appointment in England 2016
General Medical Practitioners by region in England 2015
GPs satisfaction with EMR and job stress 2015