Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S.

Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S. statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S."

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S. industries. Find the most relevant Autism spectrum disorder in the U.S. statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Cost of autism U.S. 2025
Children diagnosed with a developmental disability U.S. by age 2014-2016
Children autism age of first comprehensive evaluation U.S. states 2014
Developmental disability prevalence in children U.S. 2016
Median age first autism diagnosis 8-year-olds by subtype U.S. states 2014
Children diagnosed with a developmental disability U.S. by ethnicity 2014-2016
Autism prevalence 8-year-olds U.S. states by gender 2014
Autism prevalence 8-year-olds U.S. states 2014
Autism spectrum disorder prevalence in children U.S. by ethnicity 2014-2016
Autistic children with intellectual disabilities U.S. 2014
Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder U.S. by ethnicity 2014
Autism prevalence 8-year-olds U.S. states by ethnicity 2014
Number of disabled 3-21 year olds in the U.S. 2015/16, by disability
Autism spectrum disorder prevalence in children U.S. by gender 2014-2016
Number of 3 to 21 year olds with autism in the U.S. 2000-2016
Students with disabilities or disorders, by depression/anxiety frequency and likelihood of counseling U.S. 2016
Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder U.S. by region 2014
Children autism eligible for primary special education by category 2014
Co-occurring conditions in children diagnosed with autism U.S. 2014
Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder U.S. by gender 2014
Functional limitations in children diagnosed with autism U.S. 2014
Use of employee offered mental health services U.S. by generation 2017
Main reasons families refused vaccinations U.S. 2016
Autism rate among children U.S. 2012
Children diagnosed with a developmental disability U.S. by gender 2014-2016
Autism prevalence 8-year-olds U.S. states 2014