Child Health and Nutrition

Child Health and Nutrition statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Child Health and Nutrition"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Child Health and Nutrition industries. Find the most relevant Child Health and Nutrition statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Food security of U.S. households with kids by status of adults and kids, 2016
U.S. fat intake from food and bevarges of female children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. children enrolled in Medicaid 2018-2025
U.S. sugar intake from food and bevarges of male children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. protein intake from food and bevarges of female children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. families by number of children 2000-2017
U.S. fat intake from food and bevarges of male children and adolescents by age, 2014
Number of U.S. children getting food stamps by living arrangement, 2015
Families by number of children and ethnic group in the U.S. 2014
U.S. - share of children in food-insecure households 1995-2016
U.S. food energy intake from food and bevarges of female children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. household grocery expenditure per week by household type, 2017
Share of obese high school students by U.S. state 2017
U.S. food energy intake from food and beverages of male children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. carbohydrate intake from food and bevarges of male children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. protein intake from food and beverages of male children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. carbohydrate intake from food and bevarges of female children and adolescents by age, 2014
U.S. sugar intake from food and bevarges of female children and adolescents by age, 2014
Head Start program: enrollment in the U.S. 2017, by state
Youth obesity rates U.S. by ethnicity 2011-2014