
Interesting statistics from the category "Women"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Women industries. Find the most relevant Women statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

U.S. population by sex 1980-2016
U.S. unemployment rate for women: July 2018, seasonally adjusted
United States - women's satisfaction with shopping for themselves
Crafts and hobbies: U.S. participant average monthly spend by gender 2016
United States - share of Americans who are in love, by gender
Retail sales value of women's handbags U.S. 2018
Clothes U.S. women don't wear 2017
United States - women's satisfaction with getting engaged/married
Daily time spent on sports & leisure by U.S. females 2010-2017
Retail sales U.S. women's accessories market 2017
Full-time employed women - number in the U.S. 1990-2017
United States - important issues facing working women 2014
Retail sales value of women's small leather goods U.S. 2018
The gender gap: Women's views on having full equality with men 2017
Single-person households in the U.S. 2014, by sex and age
Identifying as a feminist 2017
United States - women who like to set career goals for themselves
U.S. women: buying all-natural beauty products by age group 2016
Sales of the U.S. women's plus-size apparel market 2013-2016
Employed women - number in the U.S. 1990-2017
U.S. metropolitan areas with the highest percentage of single moms 2016
United States -Americans' happiness with their current relationship status, by gender
Unemployment level of women in the U.S. 1990-2017
United States - number of times women do online shopping
Global gender disparity in social, political and economic rights 2017
Top cosmetics shopping destinations of female U.S. consumers by age 2017
U.S. women's fragrances unit sales by type 2017
Daily time spent on sports and leisure in the U.S. by marital status 2010-2017
United States - women's satisfaction with getting a new job
United States - singles who are not dating in 2016
Sales growth forecast of the women's luxury bag market U.S. 2010-2020
United States - women's satisfaction with their work-life balance
United States - women's satisfaction with their life as a parent
United States - importance of romance in a relationship, by gender
United States - number of hours women spend on fashion/beauty/style on an average day
Women's favorite brands of athletic apparel in the United States 2012
Part-time employed women - number in the U.S. 1990-2017
Capability of men and women regarding education and career 2017
Women's hot dog eating competition record 2011-2017
U.S.: Usage of tampons 2017
Percentage of single mother households in the U.S. 2017, by state
Lacrosse participation in the U.S. by level/gender 2016
United States - Americans current relationship status, by gender
Favorite fibers to wear by U.S. consumers in 2012, by gender
Advocacy for equal opportunities for women 2017
Employment rate - women in the U.S. 1990-2017
U.S. female wage workers - Weekly earnings 1979-2016
United States - women who agree with the statement that they love their job
Outdoor participants: age and gender distribution U.S. 2015
U.S. daily time spent playing games by gender 2017
Frequency of zoo visits by gender U.S 2016
Unemployment rate of women in the U.S. 1990-2017
United States - women's satisfaction with their career/job
Percentage of childless women in the U.S. 2016, by age