Caltagirone Editore

Interesting statistics from the category "Caltagirone Editore"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Caltagirone Editore industries. Find the most relevant Caltagirone Editore statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Corriere Adriatico newspaper advertising revenues YoY growth 2014-2015 I Italy
Corriere Adriatico newspaper sold copies growth 2014-2015 I Italy
Leggo: online reach by platform in Italy 2018
Il Messaggero newspaper print and digital sales revenues 2013-2017 I Italy
Piemme advertising revenue 2013-2017 Italy
Caltagirone Editore independent auditors fees 2013-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore number of managers & white collars 2013-2017 I Italy
Readership of Caltagirone Editore newspapers in Italy 2014-2015
Caltagirone Editore network websites unique browsers 2014-2015 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore EBITDA 2013-2017 I Italy
Il Messaggero newspaper operating revenue 2013-2017 I Italy
Il Mattino newspaper advertising revenues YoY growth 2014-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore: online reach by platform in Italy 2017
Piemme advertising EBITDA Italy 2011-2016
Caltagirone Editore editorial services charges 2013-2017 I Italy
Il Messaggero: online reach by platform in Italy 2018
Il Gazzettino newspaper EBITDA 2014-2017 I Italy
Il Mattino newspaper operating revenue 2013-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore advertising revenue 2013-2017 I Italy
Readership of Caltagirone Editore newspapers in Italy in 2017
Caltagirone Editore production cost 2013-2017 I Italy
Corriere Adriatico newspaper EBITDA 2012-2016 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore YoY unique browsers by newspaper Italy 2015
Caltagirone Editore operating revenue 2013-2017 I Italy
Piemme advertising number of employees Italy 2011-2016
Quotidiano di Puglia newspaper operating revenues 2014-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore number of journalist 2013-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore consultancy costs 2013-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore advertising & promotion costs 2013-2017 I Italy
Piemme advertising agency net loss 2013-2017 I Italy
Newspaper readership percentage in Italy in 2016, by editorial group
Caltagirone Editore circulation revenue 2013-2017 I Italy
Caltagirone Editore number of executives 2013-2017 I Italy
Leggo newspaper advertising revenue 2013-2017 Italy
Caltagirone Editore number of print workers 2013-2017 I Italy