Entertainment industry in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "Entertainment industry in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Entertainment industry in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Entertainment industry in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Free vs. paid digital music service usage by gender in Europe 2016
Spanish music sales value 2001-2016
Norway: digital music sales revenue 2012-2015
Global music industry revenue 2016
Digital music service usage by age in Europe 2016
Sweden: most reputable festivals 2016
Music sales: revenues in Germany 2017
Festival attendance by French summer holiday makers 2015
Music industry revenue in Europe by sector 2014
Music streaming income in the UK 2008-2017
Music and radio revenues in Italy 2014-2020
Music streaming revenue in France 2008-2014
Sweden: music industry revenue 2006-2016
Belgium: total turnover music sales, by media carrier 2017
Sweden: digital music industry revenue 2006-2016
Music streaming: revenue Germany 2017
Spanish digital music revenue: Spain 2016
Music products sales worldwide by region 2016
Norway: music industry revenue 2012-2015
Concert turnover and box office by sector in Italy 2017
Leading music festivals in Spain 2016
Music industry income in France 2002-2017
Hours spent listening to music per day UK 2015
Leisure: frequency of listening to music Germany 2017
Norway: time spent on listening to music per day 2005-2015
Music festivals: ticket prices in Europe 2017
Music industry revenue in Europe 2016
Digital Market Outlook: UK digital music revenue 2022
Music industry income in the UK 2003-2017
Criteria for choosing digital music services in Europe 2016
Most popular music genres Germany 2017
Europe: digital music revenue 2018
Free vs. paid digital music service usage by age in Europe 2016
Digital share of music sales in European countries 2016
Music streaming trade value Italy 2015-2016
Music industry - digital revenue in France 2017
Music: digital sales Germany 2016
Netherlands: physical and digital recorded music revenue 2012-2021
Denmark: live music revenue 2011-2020
Denmark: music industry revenue 2011-2020
Netherlands: top 5 fee-based festivals with the most visitors 2014-2015
Spanish music streaming sales value 2011-2016
Music festivals: attendance in Europe 2015
Criteria for choosing digital music services by age in Europe 2016
Digital music sales revenue Italy 2012-2014
Sweden: sales revenue from music streaming 2009-2016
Sweden: average time spent listening to music by gender and age 2016
Top live music markets in Europe 2017-2021
Live music concert revenue Spain 2002-2016
Finland: turnover of the live music sector 2011-2016
Leading recorded music markets in Europe 2016
Music revenue per capita in European countries 2014