Game of Thrones

Interesting statistics from the category "Game of Thrones"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Game of Thrones industries. Find the most relevant Game of Thrones statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

GoT: characters who spent the most amount of time in fights 2016
Game of Thrones: estimated size of selected cities
Most pirated TV shows of 2015
Countries pirating Game of Thrones 2015
Game of Thrones: production costs per episode 2016
Increase in viewers for Game of Thrones season 7 audience 2017
Main causes of death in Game of Thrones Season 6
U.S. Game of Thrones social buzz by episode 2017
Most expensive TV shows 2018
Game of Thrones: The richest characters, by estimated net worth
Game of Thrones: distribution of pirated downloads worldwide season seven 2017
George R.R. Martin - earnings 2016
Game of Thrones season 7 audience 2017
U.S. Game of Thrones social media activity by gender 2017
Game of Thrones: number of illegal downloads worldwide 2017
Game of Thrones season 7 TV ratings 2017
Game of Thrones audience 2016
Top U.S. fantasy/sci-fi TV shows & movies by user engagement 2017
Game of Thrones: seasons 7 social media mentions by character 2017
Game of Thrones deadliest locations 2017
Game of Thrones: screen time of main characters in season six, 2017
Most likely character to die next in Game of Thrones 2017
Game of Thrones death count 2017
Most popular character to rule from the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones 2017
Game of Thrones deadliest killers 2017
Game of Thrones: screen time of main characters 2017
Game of Thrones: number of downloads/streams worldwide season seven 2017
Game of Thrones: social media mentions by character 2017
Most pirated series 2016
Game of Thrones: Age of selected characters at time of death
Game of Thrones: number of illegal downloads in selected countries worldwide 2017