
Interesting statistics from the category "Journalism"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Journalism industries. Find the most relevant Journalism statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

International Reporting Pulitzer Prize winners by region covered 2016
Social media tasks by journalists in the U.S. 2016
Number of imprisoned journalists worldwide 2017
Number of journalists killed by gender 2016
Topics covered by journalists killed worldwide 1992-2013
Number of journalists killed by region 2016
World population by degree of press freedom 2018
Median pay local TV news U.S. by job 2017
Number of employees at native digital news organizations in U.S. 2014
Journalism industry interest 2017
Journalists' views on the impact of social media use on their work in U.S. 2016
U.S. news media: problems facing journalism 2016
U.S. smartphone users - role of professional journalism in society 2015
Popularity of journalists on social media in the U.S. 2014
Number of journalists killed by country 2016
Most trusted sources of news for journalists 2016
Number of journalists killed by media 2016
U.S. Sunday Show journalists gender 2015
Distribution of journalists in the U.S. by gender 2014
Number of journalists killed worldwide 2017
Employees in the U.S. broadcasting industry 2016
North America: most trusted sources of news for journalists 2016
Degree of press freedom worldwide 2018
Number of journalists deliberately killed in Pakistan 2014
North America: trends in newsrooms 2016
Types of social media used by journalists in the U.S. 2016
Level of trust in news media worldwide 2018
Time journalists spent with social media worldwide 2014
Number of journalists killed 2017
Professional tasks performed by journalists using social media U.S. 2016