Academy Awards

Interesting statistics from the category "Academy Awards"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Academy Awards industries. Find the most relevant Academy Awards statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

U.S. award show sponsorship spend 2015
Academy Awards: number of viewers 2018
Actors with the most Oscar nominations and wins
Box office revenue of Best Picture nominees at the Academy Awards 2018
Oscars buzz social media posts worldwide 2018
Oscars oldest directing winners by age 2018
Gender distribution of Oscar nominees 2015
Canada Oscars viewers 2018
Oscars in the category Best Foreign Language Film by country 2018
Oscars: winning actors buzz on social 2018
TV ratings during the Academy Awards 2018
Oscars: most discussed best picture nominees on social 2018
Distribution of voters at the Academy Awards by gender 2016
Age of Academy Awards winners in acting categories 2016
Shortest acceptance speeches of all time at the Academy Awards 2018
Box office revenues: Academy Awards winners vs. box office hits 2017
Leading advertisers at the Academy Awards 2016
Gender distribution of Oscar nominees 2017
Budget of Best Picture nominees at the Academy Awards 2018
Level of excitement @ Academy Awards ads by age 2017
Actors with the most Oscars
Winning an Oscar influence in the U.S. 2017
Most popular words in Academy Awards speeches 2013
Briefest performances to win an Academy Award 2017
Movies with the most Oscar nominations and wins 2018
Box office revenue of Best Foreign Language Film winners at the Oscars 2018
Wealth of Oscars Best Actor nominees 2018
Share of seniors in film 2016
Oscars: most discussed award categories on social 2018
Level of excitement @ Academy Awards ads 2017
Oscars oldest living winners 2018
U.S. award show active sponsors 2015
Advertising time per hour during the Academy Awards 2015
Advertising revenue at the Academy Awards 2017
Increase in the number of babies named after Academy Award winners 2014
Oscars top social media posts worldwide 2018
Number of movies nominated for Best Picture in 2018 seen among consumers in the U.S. 2018
Wealth of Oscars Best Actress nominees 2018
Best Director winners at the Academy Awards by gender 2015
Academy Awards nominations by film 2018
Film studio ranking by number of Best Picture Academy Awards 2018
Advertising cost during the Academy Awards 2017
Box office revenue of Best Picture winners at the Oscars 2018
Advertising time during the Academy Awards 2017