Box Office

Interesting statistics from the category "Box Office"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Box Office industries. Find the most relevant Box Office statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Share of 3D box office revenue in North America 2017
North American box office - tickets sold 1980-2017
North American box office revenue 1980-2017
U.S. box office - ticket revenue 2017
Top-grossing films worldwide each year from 2000 to 2017
Leading cinema circuits in North America by number of screens 2017
Movie genres by box office revenue in North America 2018
Box office revenue in the U.S. 2017
Global box office revenue 2016
Biggest opening weekends at the North American box office 2018
Number of drive-in cinema screens in the U.S. 2017
Average movie ticket price in the U.S. and Canada 2017
IMAX box office share worldwide 2016
Weekly box office revenue in India - May 26 to June 2, 2018
Leading box office markets worldwide by revenue 2017
Highest grossing 3D movies in North America 2018
Global box office revenue 2017
Global box office revenue of the most successful movies of all time 2018
Leading film markets worldwide by gross box office revenue 2017
Number of cinema screens worldwide by region and format 2017
Number of movie screens North America 2017
Number of digital 3D screens in North America 2017
Box office revenue of the top movies in North America 2018
Weekend box office revenue - August 2018
Global box office revenue by region 2017
North American box office gross by season 2017
Annual admission per movie screen worldwide 2016
Worldwide weekend box office revenue - August 2018
Ticket price at North American movie theaters 2017
Box office revenue of the top movies worldwide 2018
Highest grossing film franchises and series worldwide 2018
Bollywood: all time highest grossing movies worldwide 2018
Box office revenue of leading film studios in North America 2017
Number of cinema screens in the U.S. by format 2017