RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana)

Interesting statistics from the category "RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) industries. Find the most relevant RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Rai: TV advertising on general interest channels revenue 2012-2017 I Italy
Rai websites quality rating Italy 2015 I Survey
Rai apps and websites quality rating Italy 2017 I Survey
Rai EBITDA Italy 2011-2016
Rai: audience share in Italy 2018
Rai social TV: social media comment on Rai portal Italy 2015-2016
Rai 3: audience share in Italy 2018
TV prime time audience share 2017 Italy
Rai: license fees revenue 2010-2017 Italy
Rai Radio 3: quality rating 2015 Italy
Rai: radio advertising revenue 2011-2017 I Italy
Rai 2: audience share in Italy 2018
Rai Radio 2: quality rating 2015 Italy
Rai: best news broadcasting TV programs Italy 2017 I Survey
Rai: best entertainment TV programs Italy 2017 I Survey
Rai: number of employees by category & contract Italy 2017
Rai: prime time audience share 2011-2017 Italy
Rai Radio 1: quality rating 2015 Italy
Rai: best Rai 3 TV programs Italy 2016 I Survey
Rai: license fees revenue 2015-2017 by type Italy
Rai revenue Italy 2011-2016
Rai: best TV programs Italy 2017 I Survey
Rai: best cultural TV programs Italy 2016 I Survey
Rai: day time audience share 2011-2017 Italy
Rai: number of employees by company and contract Italy 2017
Rai: best Rai 2 TV programs Italy 2016 I Survey
Devices for Rai.tv app installation Italy 2015 I Survey
Devices to access to Rai.tv Italy 2015 I Survey
Rai 1: audience share in Italy 2016
Rai: advertising revenue 2010-2017 I Italy
Rai: external revenues 2010-2017 Italy
Rai: web advertising revenue 2015-2017 I Italy
Rai Isoradio: quality rating 2015 Italy
Rai: best Rai 1 TV programs Italy 2016 I Survey
Rai: TV advertising on specialist channels revenue 2010-2017 I Italy
Rai social TV: social media comment frequency Italy 2015-2016