Superhero movies

Interesting statistics from the category "Superhero movies"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Superhero movies industries. Find the most relevant Superhero movies statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Public opinion of Marvel vs. DC movie franchises 2017
Favorability of Captain America U.S. 2018
Comic publisher: store market share July 2018
Superhero movies public opinion U.S. 2018
Consumers who can relate to characters in superhero movies in the U.S. 2018
Batman and Robin popularity U.S. 2017
X-Men series domestic and global box office revenue 2018
Superheroes in films: impact on the decision to see a movie U.S. 2018
Top U.S. superhero/comic brands by user engagement 2017
Contributing factors for watching the new Marvel movie Black Panther by ethnicity in the U.S. 2018
Representation of immigrants in superhero movies U.S. 2018
DC comics films: box office revenue 2018
Impact of trailers on the decision to see a superhero movie by age U.S. 2018
Viewership of Marvel superhero movies by age group in the U.S. 2018
Marvel Comics films: production costs and global box office revenue 2018
Marvel Cinematic Universe: opening weekend box office revenue 2018
Best-selling comic books in North America July 2018
Movie sources in North America by average box office revenue 2018
Impact of franchise on the decision to see a superhero movie U.S. 2018
Representation of LGBTQ people in superhero movies U.S. 2018
Comics sales revenue in North America 2016
Critic reviews: impact on the decision to see a superhero movie U.S. 2018
Favorability of selected Marvel's Avengers in the U.S. 2018
Viewership of Black Panther by ethnicity in the U.S. 2018
Best-selling graphic novels in North America 2017