Automobile industry in Germany

Interesting statistics from the category "Automobile industry in Germany"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Automobile industry in Germany industries. Find the most relevant Automobile industry in Germany statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Weight of imported and exported cars in Germany from 2008 to 2017
Leading import countries for German cars 2017
Car industry export share Germany 2005-2016
Leading car manufacturers by production volume Germany 2013-2017
Innovation spending in the German car industry 2008-2017
German car industry businesses 2005-2016
Expenses for wear and tear repairs per car in Germany 1990-2016
Vehicle export and import value in Germany 2008-2016
German car industry: gross value added 2008-2015
Car dealers in Germany: business situation Q4 2017
German cars: export regions 2017
Revenue with new cars in Germany from 2000 to 2017
Revenue per employee in the German car industry 2005-2016
Automobile industry: foreign sales Germany 2016
New car sales revenue share Germany 2008-2016
Used car revenue in Germany 2000 to 2017
Car services revenue in Germany from 2004 to 2017
Car workshop numbers in Germany 2001-2017
Passenger cars: registrations European countries 2017
Employee numbers in German car supply 1990-2017
Passenger car production by country 2017
Gross production value of the German car industry 2008-2016
Automobile industry: hours worked Germany 2016
Innovators in the car industry in Germany 2008-2016
Combustion engine ban: affected employees Germany 2015
Car workshop capacity utilization in Germany Q4 2017
Passenger cars: stock Germany 2018
German car supply companies: business situtation opinion 2017
Automobile industry: domestic sales Germany 2016
Car production in Germany 2007-2019
German car industry companies: new products 2008-2016
Passenger car stock by vehicle age Germany 2017
German car industry predicted revenue development 2007-2022
Car workshops in Germany: business situation Q4 2017
Monthly passenger car export Germany 2018
Car industry wage share in Germany 2005-2017
Average prices for used cars in Germany from 2001 to 2017
Car manufacturers: ranking of top car companies 2017
Automobile industry: IT service providers Germany 2016
Leading car models in Germany by new registrations 2017
Leading German car suppliers in 2016, by revenue
Passenger cars: stock by brand Germany 2018
Car maintenances and repairs in Germany 2015-2016
Car industry employee numbers in Germany 2005-2017
Trade mark list entries automobile manufacturers Germany 2016
Automobile trade businesses Germany 2005-2015
Passenger cars new registrations by brand Germany 2017
Color share among newly registered cars in Germany 2017
German automobile supply industry revenue 1990-2017
Average new car prices in Germany from 1995 to 2017
Car registrations worldwide: 2009-2017
Wear and tear repairs per car in Germany 1990-2017
Automobile industry: total gross wage Germany 2016
Employee numbers in German car production 2008-2016
German car industry: new products share in revenue 2008-2016
Innovation intensity in the German car industry 2008-2015
Wear and tear repairs market share for German passenger cars 2017
German automobile manufacturers: revenue 2016
German automobile industry: hourly wages 2005-2017
Automobile trade sales by line of business Germany 2016
German car sales in the US 2010-2016