Trade in the U.S.

Interesting statistics from the category "Trade in the U.S."

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Trade in the U.S. industries. Find the most relevant Trade in the U.S. statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Total value of U.S. trade with Germany 2004-2017
Total value of U.S. trade with South Korea 2004-2017
New Jersey's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Total value of U.S. trade with Brazil 2004-2017
Mississippi's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Total value of U.S. agricultural imports 2018
Value of U.S. private service trade 2000 to 2013
Value of U.S. passenger fare service trade 2016-2017
Total value of U.S. trade worldwide 2004-2017
Value of U.S. private service trade in 2014
Total value of U.S. trade balance 2016-2017
Value of U.S. transportation service trade in 2014
Illinois' imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Total value of U.S. international trade 2000-2016
Hawaii's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Value of U.S. travel service trade 2016-2017
Leading trade routes until 2030
Alaska's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
New York's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Total value of U.S. trade with Canada 2004-2017
Total value of U.S. agricultural exports, 2018
Arizona's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Leading trade partners with the United States 2016, by country
Value of U.S. royalty service trade 2000 to 2013
Total value of U.S. trade with Mexico 2004-2017
Total value of U.S. trade with Japan 2004-2017
California's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Value of U.S. passenger fare service trade 2000-2013
Missouri's imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Total imports and exports of goods of the U.S. 2016
Texas' imports and exports of goods 2016-2017
Leading 15 countries share of U.S. total trade in goods 2016
Total value of U.S. trade with United Kingdom 2004-2017
Value of U.S. travel service trade 2000 to 2013
Value of U.S. royalty service trade in 2014
Share of the leading merchandise exporting countries worldwide 2016
Value of U.S. transportation service trade 2000 to 2013
U.S. trade balance 2000-2017