Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership industries. Find the most relevant Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Top 10 EU agricultural product exports to U.S. positively impacted by TTIP 2015
Top 10 U.S. agricultural product exports to EU positively impacted by TTIP 2015
EU FDI in U.S., by industry 2017
U.S. service exports to EU, by type of service 2016
Trade effects of TTIP on U.S. 2030
Trade effects of TTIP on EU 2030
U.S. imports of trade goods from the EU 1997-2017
Effects of TTIP on EU service sector productivity 2030
Effects of TTIP on EU manufacturing and food processing sector productivity 2030
U.S. exports of trade goods to the EU 1997-2017
Average EU and U.S. import tariffs, by sector 2013
Effects of TTIP on U.S. and EU trade relationships, by member state 2030
Opinion poll on Germany, U.S. limiting free trade 2016
U.S. service exports to EU 2000-2016
U.S. service imports from EU, by type of service 2016
Effects of TTIP on U.S. service sector productivity 2030
Cost of NTMs on U.S. agricultural exports to EU, by product category 2015
EU goods exports to U.S., by SITC product group 2016
Effects of TTIP on U.S. manufacturing and food processing sector productivity 2030
Opinion poll on U.S. economic, cultural and political effects of TTIP 2016
Change in U.S. agricultural product production due to TTIP 2015
U.S. FDI in EU, by industry 2017
Opinion poll on German economic, cultural, and political effects of TTIP 2016
EU FDI in U.S. 2000-2017
German/U.S. opinion on TTIP 2016
Macroeconomic effects of TTIP on U.S. 2030
Macroeconomic effects of TTIP on EU 2030
Change in EU agricultural product production due to TTIP 2015
Top 20 agri-food exports from U.S. to EU 2015
U.S. FDI in EU 2000-2017
Comparison of projected GDP effects of TTIP on EU and U.S. as of 2016
Top 20 agri-food exports from EU to US 2015
U.S. goods exports to EU, by SITC product group 2016
Macroeconomic effects of TTIP on EU, by member states 2030
U.S. service imports from EU 2000-2016
Opinion poll on U.S. and EU product standards becoming equivalent 2016