Kantar Media TGI Consumer Data

Interesting statistics from the category "Kantar Media TGI Consumer Data"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Kantar Media TGI Consumer Data industries. Find the most relevant Kantar Media TGI Consumer Data statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Energy and soft drink usage frequency in the UK 2016-2017
Leading brands of fizzy soft drinks in the UK 2017
Cola usage by package type in the UK 2013-2017
Fruit squash and cordial usage by user type in the UK 2013-2017
Leading brands of fruit squashes & cordials in the UK 2017
Bottled mineral water usage by user type in the UK 2013-2017
Leading brands of flavored water in the UK 2017
Fruit & vegetable juice usage by package type in the UK 2017
Bottled mineral water usage by type in the UK 2016-2017
UK leading brands of ready-to-drink fruit & vegetable juice 2017
Cola usage frequency in the UK 2016-2017
Pepsi: leading cola brands in the UK 2013-2017
Cola usage by user type in the UK 2016-2017
Leading brands of bottled mineral water in the UK 2017
Soft drinks & energy drinks usage by package type in the UK 2013-2017
Ribena: leading products in the UK 2017
Fruit & vegetable juice usage by type in the UK 2017
Robinsons: leading products in the UK 2017
Cola usage by type in the UK 2013-2017
Fruit and vegetable juice & smoothies usage by user type in the UK 2013-2017
Fruit & vegetable juices/smoothies usage frequency in the UK 2017
Flavoured water usage by user type in the UK 2013-2017
Bottled mineral water usage by package type in the UK 2017
Flavoured water usage by package type in the UK 2013-2017
Fruit squashes and cordial usage frequency in the UK 2017
Bottled mineral water usage frequency in the UK 2017
Leading cola brands in the UK 2017
Soft drinks & energy drinks usage by type in the UK 2013-2017
Flavoured water usage frequency in the UK 2017
Fruit & vegetable juice usage by drink type in the UK 2017
Coca-Cola: leading cola brands in the UK 2013-2017