Crime in Italy

Interesting statistics from the category "Crime in Italy"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Crime in Italy industries. Find the most relevant Crime in Italy statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Violence against children Italy 2011-2015
Terrorism-related expulsions 2001-2017 Italy
Drug laws violations Italy 2006-2017
Italy: theft rate by province
Violence against children Italy 2015
Minors violating drug laws Italy 2006-2017
Reported cannabis-related crimes Italy 2006-2017
Italy: pickpocketing rate by province
Number of Mafia-type associations Italy 2004-2015
Italy: non-residential burglary rate by province
Level of diffusion of organized crime Italy 2017
Individuals worried to experience assault/robbery in the living area 2016
Individuals worried to experience residential burglary in the living area 2016
Police and Carabinieri operations against foreign fighters 2015 Italy
Italy: vehicle theft rate by province
Theft rate 2011-2018 Italy
Terrorism-related arrests 2001-2015 Italy
Diffusion of mafia-like organizations compared to the past Italy 2017
Individuals worried to experience theft/pickpocketing in the living area 2016
Murder rate 2011-2018 Italy
Robbery rate 2011-2018 Italy
Crime rate 2011-2018 Italy
Reported heroin-related crimes Italy 2006-2017
Italy: highest fraud rate by province
Reported synthetic drugs-related crimes Italy 2006-2017
Voluntary manslaughter 2017-2018 Italy
Victims of rape by author of assault Italy 2014
Assets confiscated from Mafia 2015-2016 Italy
Operations at ports against foreign fighters 2015 Italy
Reported thefts Italy by region 2014
Women violating drug laws Italy 2006-2017
Assets seized from Mafia 2015-2016 Italy
Italy terrorist attacks 1968-2009
Ejections of Imams 2001-2017 Italy
Italy: money laundering rate by province
Reported cocaine-related crimes Italy 2006-2017
Computer fraud rate by province Italy 2015
Operations against political extremism 2015 Italy
Fight against organized crime 2018 Italy
Italy: residential burglary rate by province
Italy: extortion rate by province
Italy: crime rate by province
Reported crimes of association Italy by region 2015
Italy: robbery rate by province
Individuals worried to experience car theft in the living area 2016
Number of Mafia-type associations Italy by region 2015