Hate crime in the United States

Hate crime in the United States statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Hate crime in the United States"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Hate crime in the United States industries. Find the most relevant Hate crime in the United States statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Number of victims of hate crimes against Blacks or African Americans in the U.S. by crime type7827826246244554552732731717161616161313101055IntimidationDestruction/damage/vandalismSimple assualtAggravated assualtBurglaryRobberyLarceny-theftArsonCrimes against societyOther property related crime050100150200250300350400450500550600650700750800850
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Number of victims of race-based hate crime in the U.S. by race2 2202 220909909483483252252190190169169137137575799Anti-Black or African AmericanAnti-WhiteAnti-Hispanic or LatinoAnti-Other Race/Ethnicity/AncestryAnti-Multiple Races, GroupAnti-American Indian or Alaska NativeAnti-AsianAnti-ArabAnti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander020040060080010001200140016001800200022002400