Migration in Europe

Migration in Europe statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Migration in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Migration in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Migration in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

EU Immigration: illegal sea border-crossing 2017
Germany: grants of asylum 2008-2016
EU Immigration: number of clandestine entries 2009-2017
Austria: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Belgium: number of first time asylum applications 2007-2017
Italy: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Poland: foreign-born population 2009-2016
EU Immigration: number of illegal entries 2009-2017
Italy: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Sweden: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Spain: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Denmark: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Netherlands: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Migration outflow in Europe 2014
Denmark: grants of asylum 2008-2016
EU Immigration: refusals of entry 2009-2017
Sweden: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Greece: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Accepted asylum applicants EU 2017
Grants of asylum 2008-2016
France: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Ireland: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Estonia: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Accepted asylum applicants in Italy 2014-2018
Portugal: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Austria: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Accepted asylum applicants in Germany 2017
EU Immigration: applications for asylum 2009-2016
Foreign-born population 2009-2015
Netherlands: grants of asylum 2008-2016
EU Immigration: number of illegal stays 2009-2017
Accepted asylum seekers 2016 in Europe, by country
Poland: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Belgium: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Accepted asylum applicants in France 2014-2017
Asylum applications in the EU
France: grants of asylum 2008-2016
European 2014 asylum acceptance rate, by country
Spain: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Greece: grants of asylum 2008-2016
Germany: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Belgium: foreign-born population 2009-2016
Foreign-born population by European countries 2016
EU Immigration: facilitators detected 2009-2017
Ireland: grants of asylum 2008-2016