Employment in the United States

Employment in the United States statistics

Interesting statistics from the category "Employment in the United States"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Employment in the United States industries. Find the most relevant Employment in the United States statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

College majors with the highest unemployment rates in the U.S. 2012
U.S. employment growth 2016-2026, by industry
Monthly job openings in the United States June 2018
USA - state unemployment rate in 2017
Employment level of the U.S. 1990-2017
U.S. - employment by industry 2017
U.S. civilian labor force: July 2018, seasonally adjusted
U.S. underemployment rate - July 2017
USA - state employment in 2017
Average duration of unemployment in the U.S. 1990-2017
Unemployment rate in the U.S. - forecast 2017-2028
U.S.: number of full-time workers in July 2018
U.S. unemployment level: July 2018, seasonally adjusted number
U.S. payroll employment: change by industry, July 2018
USA - unemployment level 1990-2017
USA - Civilian labor force participation rate 1990-2017
U.S. unemployment rate by occupation, July 2018
U.S.: annual unemployment rate 1990-2017
Number of U.S. employees: July 2018, seasonally adjusted
U.S. industries with largest projected payroll employment growth 2016-2026
Monthly number of job losers in the U.S. July 2018
U.S. civilian labor force participation rate: July 2018, seasonally adjusted
Share of private sector employment, by business size U.S. 2016
Projected U.S. employment change by major occupational groups 2016-2026
U.S. nonfarm payroll employment: July 2018, monthly change
U.S. unemployment rate: July 2018, adjusted
U.S.: unemployment rate by state in June 2018
U.S. metropolitan areas with the highest unemployment rate 2017
U.S. long-term unemployment: July 2018, seasonally adjusted number
U.S. unemployment rate, by education 1992-2017
U.S. unemployment rate by industry and class of worker July 2018
U.S. industries with largest projected payroll employment declines 2016-2026
U.S. unemployment rate of men 1990-2017
U.S. - unemployment rate of recent graduates, June 2018
U.S. labor force 1990-2017
U.S.: Number of full-time workers 1990-2017
USA - state civilian labor force in 2017
U.S. metro areas: unemployment rate - June 2018
USA - employment rate U.S. 1990-2017
U.S. monthly job openings rate, June 2017/18
Employment type share, by age U.S. 2014
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017