Dance in the United Kingdom (UK)

Interesting statistics from the category "Dance in the United Kingdom (UK)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Dance in the United Kingdom (UK) industries. Find the most relevant Dance in the United Kingdom (UK) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Cultural event attendance, by gender Scotland 2016
Dance companies funded by Arts Council England 2018
Qualifications of the dance, fitness and group exercise workforce in England 2015
Share of participants in dance fitness classes by gender in England 2015 I UK statistic
England: training frequency of the fitness workforce 2015
Dance fittness: participant satisfaction in England 2015
Theatre performances by genre 2014
England: age distribution of group fitness workforce 2015
Dancers & choreographers 2011-2017
London theatre attendance by genre 2017
Ballet attendance in England 2005-2017
Training focus of the fitness workforce in England 2015
Participation in cultural activities, by gender Scotland 2016
Most funded dance companies in London 2018
Dancing in the previous 4 weeks in Scotland 2016
Common reasons for favouring a dance fitness style in England 2015
Frequency of dancing activities Scotland 2016
Scotland: Get Scotland Dancing events 2014
Ballet and dance participation in England 2005-2017
England: dance fitness styles on the decline in popularity 2015
Ballet and dance attendance in England 2005-2017
England: dance fitness styles rising in popularity 2015
England: barriers to carrying out more training for the fitness workforce 2015 I UK statistic
Dance show visit frequency Scotland 2016
Female participation in dance fitness by frquency 2015 I UK statistic
Childrens' dance participation in England 2017
Arts and culture public funding in England 2015
Arts organisations regularly funded in Northern Ireland
Dancing in the previous 4 weeks by age group in Scotland in 2016
Dancers and choreographers outside the creative industries
Most funded dance companies by arts council England
Dance fitness: popular dance styles in England 2015
Theatre tickets sold by genre 2014
Share of participants in dance classes by gender in England 2015
England: reasons people join the fitness industry 2015