Gambling industry in the United Kingdom (UK)

Interesting statistics from the category "Gambling industry in the United Kingdom (UK)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Gambling industry in the United Kingdom (UK) industries. Find the most relevant Gambling industry in the United Kingdom (UK) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Casino attendance in Great Britain by region1. & WalesSouthLondon high endLondon (other)00.511.522.533.544.555.566.57
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Number of enterprises in the gambling and betting activities sector in the UK, by turnover size band7070155155465465215215150150160160808060601701703903902452451551551551557575100100165165400400220220120120140140757511011014014037037021021010510514014080801151151201203603602302301101101351359090£0 - £49,999£50,000 - £99,999£100,000 - £249,999£250,000 - £499,999£500,000 - £999,999£1 million - £4.999 million£5 million+0255075100125150175200225250275300325350375400425450475500
Casinos: operating casinos Great Britain 2018
Bingo: Mecca Bingo Limited premises Great Britain 2018
Gambling activity in person UK 2017/18
Turnover breakdown off course betting Great Britain 2016-2017
Online gambling accounts Great Britain 2008-2017
Gross gambling yield pool betting breakdown Great Britain 2016-2017 UK Statistic
Annual turnover off course football betting Great Britain 2008-2017
New online gambling registrations Great Britain 2008-2017
Casino drop/win casino stud poker Great Britain 2008-2017
Turnover football pool betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Casinos: attendance Great Britain 2015
Total gross gambling yield Great Britain 2010-2017
Online gambling use in the UK 2011-2015
Turnover horse race betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Casino drop/win 3 card poker Great Britain 2008-2017
Self exclusions from bingo - gambling industry Great Britain 2017
Enterprises in the gambling activities sector by size 2017
GB: main online gambling & betting locations by gender 2015
Frequency of taking part in gambling activities in the UK 2010
Number of gaming machines in Great Britain 2017
Great Britain: on-course betting revenue 2009-2017
GGY of the bingo industry in GB 2010-2017
Moral views on gambling 2013
Gambling participants in the UK by age 2016-2018
Problem gambling rates in the UK March 2016-18
Casino drop/win punto banco Great Britain 2008-2017
Leading reasons to pick an online gambling brand 2014
Number of employees - remote gambling industry Great Britain 2015
Casinos: attendance Great Britain 2015 country breakdown
Casinos: London Clubs International premises Great Britain 2014
GGY of arcade sector - gambling industry Great Britain 2018
Casinos: Rank Group premises Great Britain 2018
Active online gambling accounts Great Britain 2013-2017
National Lottery total prize values Great Britain 2008-2017
Market share of UK gambling industry sectors 2009-2014
Gambling activity participants in the UK March 2018
Casino drop/win electronic gaming Great Britain 2008-2017
Number of employees - remote gambling industry Great Britain 2015
Casino drop/win dice Great Britain 2008-2017
Bookmaker preference in the UK 2017
Bingo premises - gambling industry Great Britain 2018
Online gambling activity participants UK 2018
Wales: male gambling participation by type 2015-16
Gambling fairness perception UK 2017
GB: devices used to bet online by game 2015
Turnover dog race pool betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Gross gambling yield breakdown on course Great Britain 2016-2017
Number of employees - casino industry Great Britain 2017
Wales: female gambling participation by type 2016
Gambling and criminal activity UK 2015
Betting shop operators- gambling industry Great Britain 2018
Turnover on course horse race betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Online gambling by age UK 2016-18
Bingo: Gala Leisure Limited premises Great Britain 2016
Online gambling yields by segment UK 2009-2013
GB: devices used to gamble online 2015
Arcade premises Great Britain 2017
Turnover horse race pool betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Number of betting shops by operator in the UK 2009-2017
Casino drop/win American roulette Great Britain 2008-2017
Crimes associated with gambling UK 2014
Self exclusions from casinos - gambling industry Great Britain 2017
Number of employees - arcade industry Great Britain 2017
Local enterprise units in the gambling sector by employees 2017
GB: main online betting locations by game 2015
Casinos: Gala Coral Group premises Great Britain 2015
Self exclusions from remote betting - gambling industry Great Britain
Betting frequency UK 2016-18
Great Britain: off-course betting revenue 2009-2017
Casino drop/win blackjack Great Britain 2008-2017
Employees in the UK gambling industry by sector 2009-17
GB: main online gambling & betting locations by age 2015
Market share gambling sectors by GGY Great Britain 2016
Scotland: participants in gambling activities by age 2015-16
GB: devices used to gamble online by gender 2015
GB: main online gambling locations by game 2015
Casinos: Genting UK premises Great Britain 2018
Number of employees - bingo industry Great Britain 2017
Gambling household expenditure 2017 by age
Scotland: gambling participation by gender & number of acitivies 2016
Most popular online gaming search terms UK 2016
Gambling frequency UK 2016-18
Employees in gambling industry Great Britain 2015
Gambling household expenditure by income 2017
GGY of betting industry Great Britain 2017
Turnover dog race betting Great Britain 2008-2017
Participation in gambling by age 2013 to 2016
Self exclusion breaches from bingo Great Britain 2017
GGY casino industry Great Britain 2010-2017
GGY of the remote gambling industry Great Britain 2017
GB: devices used to gamble online by age 2015
GGY of gaming machines in Great Britain 2017
GB: Gambling Commission workstream costs by theme 2016
Self-exclusion breaches from betting Great Britain 2017 I UK Statistic
GB: devices used to gamble online by game 2015
Most visible online gambling websites in natural search results UK 2016
Number of employees - betting industry Great Britain 2017
GB: following of gambling companies on social media by age 2015
Self exclusion breaches from casinos Great Britain 2017
Turnover on course dog race betting Great Britain 2008-2017