Health & Fitness Clubs

Interesting statistics from the category "Health & Fitness Clubs"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Health & Fitness Clubs industries. Find the most relevant Health & Fitness Clubs statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Participation in U.S. sports und leisure activities 2017
Health club companies facilities (owned/franchised) worldwide 2016
Sports & exercise frequency rate in US 2016
US fitness/health club industry locations/establishments 2007-2021
Members of health/fitness clubs North America 2009-2016
US fitness/health club industry employment 2007-2021
Health & fitness club companies revenue ranking 2016
Number of health/fitness clubs - top 10 countries 2016
US fitness industry products/services share 2016
Heylth club, gym membership rate in US 2016
Monthly price of gym membership in US 2016
Number of gyms in the US (health/fitness center) 2000-2016
Health & fitness clubs worldwide by region 2009-2016
Daily time spent on sports, exercise / recreation in the US 2009-2017
US fitness/health club market size 2007-2021
Health/fitness clubs membership worldwide by region 2009-2016
Health & fitness club companies membership 2016
Global health/fitness club industry revenue by region 2009-2016
Why people work out at a gym in the US 2016
U.S. Americans engaged in sports and exercise per day 2010-2017
North American health club industry total revenue 2009-2016
Preferred locations for sports & exercise in US 2016
Number of health/fitness clubs in North America 2009-2016
Health club industry global market size 2009-2016
Health/fitness clubs membership top 10 countries 2016
Reasons for sports & exercise in US 2016
US fitness/health club market share by company 2016
Health/fitness clubs worldwide 2009-2016
Health club, gym membership in US by chain 2016
Fitness center & health club revenue United States 2000-2017
Gym memberships in the U.S. 2000-2016
Most well-known fitness gyms in US 2016
Health/fitness clubs people would consider for membership 2016
Gym customer attitudes in US 2016
Use of gym services in US 2016