Smart home

Interesting statistics from the category "Smart home"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Smart home industries. Find the most relevant Smart home statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

US home security solutions sales 2012-2017
Smart home devices unit shipments US 2016-2018
US smart metering systems market by product 2015-2024
Smart electricity meters installed base US/Europe 2014-2020
Smart home device revenue by region 2016-2018
Smart home entertainment revenue worldwide 2015-2021
Smart home sales in the US 2016-2018
Smart/connected home technology sales in the US 2012-2017
Internet of Things and analytics global revenue forecast 2015-2020
Connected thermostats sales revenue in the US 2014-2017
US smart home devices ownership/purchase intent 2017
North America smart thermostat market by technology 2012-2022
Smart home security revenue worldwide 2015-2021
US smart home product ownership by category 2017
Homes with smart thermostats in the North America 2014-2020
Smart home device revenue by category 2017 and 2022
Wi-Fi smart home device shipments worldwide 2016-2020
Smart home device ownership by category US 2017
DMO: security smart home penetration country comparison 2018
Interesting functions of connected home appliances U.S. 2017
Worldwide smart meter deployment 2014-2020
Digital Market Outlook: security smart home revenue country comparison 2018
Smart home market by region 2013-2025
Planned spending on smart home in the U.S. 2017
Global smart home spending by region 2017-2022
Installed smart home systems North America 2012-2016
Installed smart meters annually United States 2016
Digital Market Outlook: smart home revenue country comparison 2018
Smart home market revenue by application category 2030
Smart electricity meter shipments United States 2014-2020
Global smart home video doorbell revenue 2018 & 2023
Advantages of using connected home appliances U.S. 2017
Satisfaction with smart thermostats in the U.S. 2017
Satisfaction with smart security cameras in the U.S. 2017