PC market in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "PC market in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the PC market in Europe industries. Find the most relevant PC market in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Desktop computer penetration 2009-2018
Laptop ownership in Great Britain 2010-2017
Laptop penetration 2009-2018
Computers average weekly retail sales 2016-2018
Forecast: computer equipment and software wholesale revenue UK 2008-2018
Laptop & netbook expenditure in the UK 2013-2017
Desktop screen resolutions used in the UK | 2010-2017
UK households with a desktop computer, by income
Great Britain: computers sales volume increase 2008-2017
Computer retail store sales value monthly 2014-2017
Manufacturer sales: desktop PCs 2008-2017
Manufacturer sales: PCs with a CPU 2008-2017
Computer usage penetration in the UK 2015
UK households with a computer, by household composition
Manufacturer sales: laptops & notebooks 2008-2017
Computer sales value trend quarterly 2018
Forecast: computer manufacturing revenue UK 2008-2018
TV, video and computers expenditure by income 2017
Tablet computers: ownership in Great Britain 2010-2017, by device
Great Britain: PC & telecom equipment sales value index 2008-2017
Personal computers: ownership in Great Britain Q1 2011-Q4 2017
Share of people who use a computer every day
UK: main video streaming online services by PC users 2016
UK newsbrand readers on PC: age profile 2017
Reasons for buying a new desktop computer in the UK 2017
Forecast: computer and software store retail revenue UK 2008-2018
Share of UK household spend going on TV equipment, by income
Computer sales volume trend quarterly 2018
Desktop PC expenditure in the UK 2013-2017
Computer equipment sales volume trend monthly 2018
Computer equipment sales value trend monthly 2018
Share of people who have ever used a computer
UK households: ownership of home computers 1985-2017
Great Britain: computers retail sales volume index 2008-2017
Desktop computer: frequency of purchase in the UK 2017
TV, video and computers expenditure 2017 by age