Semiconductor Industry

Interesting statistics from the category "Semiconductor Industry"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Semiconductor Industry industries. Find the most relevant Semiconductor Industry statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Japan semiconductor industry revenue 2018
Semiconductor sales in Europe 2018
Semiconductor sales in Asia Pacific 2018
Global semiconductor industry spending growth rate 2013-2020
Analog IC sales market share by application worldwide 2014-2018
Semiconductor target markets CAGR 2016-2021
Americas semiconductor industry market size 2008-2019
Semiconductor industry revenue Asia Pacific 2018
Leading microcontroller (MCU) suppliers worldwide 2016
Global wafer-level manufacturing equipment vendor revenue 2016
Standard power MOSFET market share worldwide 2016
IGBT components market share worldwide 2016
Global number of IC fabs processing 300mm wafers 2002-2020
Global semiconductor industry capital spending 2010-2020
Semiconductor industry sales by application worldwide 2019
Annual integrated circuit wafer capacity year-to-year change worldwide 1998-2019
Wafer fab semiconductor equipment spending worldwide 2014-2020
Fabless/system company vs. IDM IC sales comparison 2017
Semiconductor industry revenue in Europe 2006-2019
Automotive semiconductor suppliers revenue 2012-2017
Wafer-level packaging and assembly equipment spending worldwide 2014-2020
Semiconductor industry sales by component worldwide 2013-2019
Global wafer-level manufacturing equipment vendor share 2016
Semiconductor sales in Japan 2018
Global integrated circuits end-use markets 2017
Semiconductor new equipment spending by market region 2014-2018
Global semiconductor market share by region 2003-2019
Pure-play integrated circuit foundry sales by feature size 2017
Discrete power semiconductors market share worldwide 2015-2016
Integrated circuit wafer production capacity worldwide 1998-2019