Cloud computing in the United Kingdom (UK)

Interesting statistics from the category "Cloud computing in the United Kingdom (UK)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Cloud computing in the United Kingdom (UK) industries. Find the most relevant Cloud computing in the United Kingdom (UK) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Businesses' future priorities for migration to cloud by category 2015 UK
UK accommodation industry: use of cloud computing services
Business adoption of cloud computing UK 2014
G-Cloud spending 2013-2016
Mid-sized businesses: IT infrastructure migrated to cloud by category 2015 UK
SME adoption of strategic technologies UK 2014
Large firms adoption of strategic technologies UK 2014
Small businesses' priorities for future migration to cloud UK 2015
G-Cloud spending 2013-2016, by cloud service
Adoption of cloud computing by businesses UK 2015
UK transportation industry: use of cloud computing services
UK ICT industry: use of cloud computing services
Businesses: main challenges migrating infrastructure to cloud UK 2015
UK businesses: workers developing cloud strategies 2015
Construction industry: use of cloud computing services in enterprises by service 2016
Monthly number of G-cloud suppliers 2013-2016
Market value of cloud services in the SMB sector 2013-2017
Enterprise IT infrastructure migrated to cloud by category 2015 UK
Businesses' IT infrastructure migrated to cloud by category 2015 UK
Enterprises' priorities for migration to cloud in future 2015 UK
Monthly number of UK G-cloud clients 2013-2016
Market value of cloud services in the SMB sector, by service
UK manufacturing industry: use of cloud computing services
Main barriers for cloud adoption for businesses UK 2015
G-Cloud spending 2013-2017, by enterprise size
Cloud computing adoption: business benefits 2015 UK
Cloud computing: ranked importance of adoption 2015 UK
Monthly G-Cloud spending 2013-2016
Parts of mid-size businesses prioritized for migration to cloud in future 2015 UK
Small businesses IT infrastructure migrated to cloud by category 2015 UK