IT industry in India

Interesting statistics from the category "IT industry in India"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the IT industry in India industries. Find the most relevant IT industry in India statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Export/domestic revenue IT Industry India 2010-15
Tata Consultancy Services Limited: revenue 2018
Wipro: number of employees by region 2017
India telecom services spending forecast 2014-2020
Public cloud services market by segment India 2015-2020
WLAN market share in India 2014-2017
Indian enterprise software market revenue 2013-2018
India packaged software spending 2013-2020
Share of India PC shipments by vendor 2014-2016
India - computer hardware production value 2015
India telecom services growth forecast 2015-2020
Public cloud services market India 2015-2020
Number of employees at Cognizant by region 2017
India: leading x86 server manufacturers 2014-2017
Number of employees at Tata Consultancy Services 2005-2018
Indian IT-BPM industry GDP share 2009-2017
Number of employees at Cognizant 2008-2017
Total revenue IT Industry India 2008-2016
Total end-user IT spending forecast India 2013-2016
Business Intelligence platforms revenue India 2012-2018
BRIC countries IT spending share by segment 2017
Number of employees at Infosys 2010-2017
India's IT hardware spending forecast 2012-2019
IT software & services exports Indian IT Industry 2009-2016
Ethernet switch & router market share in India 2014-2016
India business intelligence software revenue 2014-2018
Direct/indirect employment IT industry India 2015-2016
Total IT spending in India 2013-2018, by segment
India IT security market spending 2014-2018
India IT spending forecast by segment 2016
Direct/indirect employment IT-BPM industry India 2008-2017
BRIC countries IT spending growth by segment 2017
Tata Consultancy Services: revenue share by segment 2017
CPM suites software revenue in India 2012-2018
India: revenue growth for BI software 2012-2018