Mobile Communications in the United Kingdom (UK)

Interesting statistics from the category "Mobile Communications in the United Kingdom (UK)"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Mobile Communications in the United Kingdom (UK) industries. Find the most relevant Mobile Communications in the United Kingdom (UK) statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Monthly revenue per post-pay mobile subscriber
Annual retail revenues from mobile telephony 2009-2017
Mobile data as share of total telecom revenue 2004-2014
Quarterly mobile calls volume, by call type
Post-pay mobile subscribers 2007-2017
Mobile cellular subscriptions 2000-2016
UK telecoms: mobile messaging retail revenue of operators 2007-2016
Mobile data traffic 2011-2017
Monthly mobile voice minutes per pay-monthly customers 2008-2016
3G and 4G outdoor coverage by mobile network 2016
Household phone ownership, by phone type 2018
UK households: ownership of mobile telephones 1996-2017
Monthly mobile data use per SIM
Pre-pay customer: Monthly mobile messages sent 2007-2015
Pre-paid mobile subscriber 2007-2017
Satisfaction with mobile telephony services 2010-2017
Quarterly retail revenues from SMS and MMS
Virgin Mobile: overall customer satisfaction 2018
Monthly pre-paid mobile voice minutes per person 2008-2016
MMS and SMS messages sent in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016
Quarterly retail revenue from mobile calls, by call type
Average monthly retail revenue per pre-pay mobile subscriber 2017
Mobile subscribers by payment 2010-2016
Number of mobile voice call minutes 2007-2017
Average monthly revenue per mobile subscriber Q1 2012-Q4 2017
Frequency of text messages on a mobile phone 2018
O2 mobile: overall customer satisfaction 2018
Telecommunications - mobile retail revenue in the UK 2007-2017
Mobile internet penetration 2009-2018
Quarterly revenue from mobile data services
3G and 4G indoor coverage by mobile network 2016
Annual retail revenues from SMS & MMS 2011-2017
Post-paid mobile subscribers: ARPU 2007-2016
Vodafone mobile: overall customer satisfaction 2018
Frequency of text messages on a mobile phone by gender 2018
UK telecoms - mobile data retail revenue of operators 2007-2018
Number of mobile connections, by device type
Pay-monthly customer: Monthly mobile messages sent 2007-2015
Number of mobile internet users by frequency 2013-2016
Number of SMS and MMS messages sent 2007-2017
SMS and MMS message volumes 2009-2017
Mobile communications: share of total telecommunications revenue
EE mobile: overall customer satisfaction 2018
SMS and MMS message volumes in the UK | Q1 2012-Q4 2017
3G and 4G landmass coverage by mobile network 2016
Three mobile: satisfaction with customer service UK 2009-2015
Pre-paid mobile subscribers: ARPU 2007-2016
Mobile Telecom: Number of MNO & MVNO 2011-2016
Mobile telephony adoption 2007-2018