Telecommunications market in the Netherlands

Interesting statistics from the category "Telecommunications market in the Netherlands"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Telecommunications market in the Netherlands industries. Find the most relevant Telecommunications market in the Netherlands statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Netherlands: total number of phone shops 2007-2017
Netherlands: market distribution of fixed line operators, by single line connections 2017
Netherlands: revenue of fixed telephone providers to fixed national numbers 2016-2017
Netherlands: smartphone penetration in the Netherlands 2014-2017
Netherlands: 3G and 4G mobile data consumption 2015
Netherlands: number of devices per household, by device 2016-2017
Netherlands: market distribution of fixed line operators, by call minutes 2017
Netherlands: number of mobile connections 2016-2017
Netherlands: market share of leading smartphone brands 2017-2018
KPN: adjusted EBITDA 2014-2017
Netherlands: distribution mobile data usage, by operator Q4 2017
Netherlands: market distribution of mobile network operators, by data usage 2017
Netherlands: number of fiberglass broadband internet connections, by speed 2016-2017
Netherlands: number of quad play packages 2015-2016
KPN: postpaid customers in fixed mobile bundles 2014-2016
Netherlands: gross profit margin telecommunication stores 2015-2017
KPN : annual profit 2014-2017
Netherlands: number of broadband internet DSL connections 2016-2017
Netherlands: number of triple play packages 2016-2017
Netherlands: revenue of fixed telephone providers to mobile national numbers 2016-2017
Netherlands: leading phone store chains, by number of stores 2017
Netherlands: volume of used 4G mobile data 2016-2017
Smartphone users in the Netherlands 2015-2021
KPN: capital expenditure 2014-2017
Netherlands: distribution mobile network connections, by operator Q4 2017
Netherlands: distribution broadband connections, by operator Q4 2017
Netherlands: distribution of bundled services with fixed telephone line, by package size 2017
Netherlands: leading telecommunication providers, by number of stores 2018
Netherlands: volume of used 3G mobile data 2016-2017
Netherlands: fixed broadband internet subscription spending, by technology 2015
Netherlands: smartphone usage for internet 2014-2017
Netherlands: market distribution of mobile network operators, by consumed minutes 2017
Netherlands: number of dual play packages 2016-2017
Netherlands: number of DSL broadband cable internet connections 2016-2017
KPN: annual revenue 2014-2017
Netherlands: market distribution of fixed line operators, by dual line connections 2017