Chinese tourism in Europe

Interesting statistics from the category "Chinese tourism in Europe"

In this section, StatInvestor presents the most relevant and up-to-date facts relating to the Chinese tourism in Europe industries. Find the most relevant Chinese tourism in Europe statistics, including market data, researches and facts.

Number of Chinese tourist overnight stays in the EU 2012-2016
European Schengen visas issued in China 2017
Tourism: China to Europe 2017
Chinese tourists' travel to London 2016 by season
Chinese tourists' visits to the UK by accommodation 2016
Chinese tourists' average spend per visit to the UK 2004-2016
China: development of leading travelers Spring Festival travel destinations in Europe 2017
Chinese tourists' shopping propensity UK 2016, by purpose
Number of tourist arrivals from China in France 2008-2016
Average Chinese tourist visits to the UK by age 2016
Chinese tourists: items bought on trips to the UK 2016
Number of Chinese tourist arrivals in Italy by region 2017
Chinese tourist overnight stays in France 2008-2016
Chinese tourist arrival growth in the UK per quarter 2013-2017
Growth in Chinese tourist arrivals to European countries 2017
UK tourist arrivals from China quarterly 2013-2017
Chinese tourist arrivals in European countries 2017
Number of tourist arrivals from China in Germany 2008-2016
Chinese tourists' visits to London 2006-2016
Chinese tourist gender demographics by trip purpose 2016
Chinese tourist overnight stays in Italy 2008-2017
Growth in arrivals from China to Europe by country 2018
Chinese tourist overnight stays in Germany 2008-2016
Chinese tourists' holiday expenditure in London 2006-2015
Chinese visitor growth in the UK 2004-2017
China: Chinese tourist international expenditure 2016
Chinese tourists' average holiday spending in London 2006-2017
Number of tourist arrivals from China in the EU 2012-2016
EU: nights spent by Chinese tourists by country 2016
Number of tourist arrivals from China in Italy 2008-2017
Number of Chinese tourist overnight stays in Italy by region 2017
Chinese tourist visits to the UK 2005-2016
Chinese tourist spending in the UK 2006-2017