Agriculture » Farming » Agricultural fertilizer market in the UK | Garden & pet store retail sale: UK enterprises by turnover

Number of pet and garden product retail stores in the United Kingdom 2017, by turnover

Number of specialised stores for the retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pet animals and pet food in the United Kingdom in 2017, by turnover size band

The data displays the number of VAT and/or PAYE based store enterprises specialising in the sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pet animals and pet food in the UK between March 2016 and March 2017, by turnover size band. As of March 2017, there were 100 of such retail enterprises with a turnover of more than 5 million GBP.

£0 - £49,999 430
£50,000 - £99,999 1250
£100,000 - £249,999 2960
£250,000 - £499,999 920
£500,000 - £999,999 490
£1 million - £1.999 million 245
£2 million - £4.999 million 175
£5 million - £9.999 million 45
£10 million - £49.999 million 45
£50 million + 10