Financial Services » Banking » Fintech | Fintech and big-data employment by location 2014

Fintech and big-data jobs 2014, by location

Number of Fintech and big-data employees in the United States and United Kingdom in 2014, by location (in thousands)

The data displays the estimated employment figures in FinTech and big-data sectors in selected locations in the U.S. and the UK as of May 2014. In that time, the U.S. offered 200 thousand Fintech jobs and 588 thousand big-data jobs. In London (50 mile area), there were 51 thousand people employed in the Fintech companies in 2014.

Fintech refers to any technological innovation in the financial sector, e.g. cryptocurrency, mobile banking etc. However, it still remains relatively unknown among U.S. consumers.

United States total 200 588
United Kingdom total 82 102
(50 mile area)
51 68
(25 mile area)
44 54
New York City
(50 mile area)
48 66
New York City
(25 mile area)
43 57
San Francisco Silicon Valley
(50 mile area)
13 118
San Francisco Silicon Valley
(25 mile area)
11 98
Boston 10 38
Washington DC 7 53
Manchester 3 3
Edinburgh 3 2
Seattle 3 29
Oxford 2 4
Cambridge 1 7